Oak paneling for exterior use

Forest Trade produces oak cladding / paneling / for exterior use with the following parameters:

  • Widths – from 40 up to 150 mm;
  • Lengths – up to 3000 мм – finger-joint on the length in accordance with the order;
  • Thickness – 20 mm;
  • Profiles – edges cut in 45о /ventilated facade/ or with tongue and groove

The surface treatment of details for cladding is done mostly with oils for outdoor use. We recommend oiled surface, because the renovation is easy – You have to clean the wood without sanding and to apply a new coat of oil. We are able to use varnish as well if needed. There are many colors available in both way of finishing. A renovation of the exterior paneling is required periodically depending on the necessary. Refreshment coverage may be required periodically depending on the exposure of the facade and the specific weather conditions. It is important to renovate the surface as soon as the color changes in order to preserve the wood for long period of time.

Depending on the design, oak siding covers part or entire facade. It is a good combination of oak paneling and natural stones and/or paint.

Forest Trade produces special elements to cover the surface around doors and windows like Г
shape skirting boards.

We produce wooden construction like shelters and pergolas. The cost is particular for each project.

Price list for exterior oak paneling

Description Thickness mm Length mm Width mm Price €/m2 Select Price €/m2 Nature Price €/m2 Rustic
Exterior oak paneling finger-joint, pre-finished, canted, ventilated 20 up to 3000 105 107.42 97.53 79.63
Exterior oak paneling finger-joint, pre-finished, T & G on the length 20 up to 3000 80+10 107.42 97.53 79.63
Exterior oak paneling finger-joint, pre-finished, T & G on the length 20 up to 3000 120 92.07 83.60 79.51
Exterior oak paneling finger-joint, pre-finished, distance 10 mm 20 up to 3000 40 94.30 84.19  
Exterior oak paneling finger-joint, unfinished, canted, ventilated 20 up to 3000 105 96.17 86.24 68.39
Exterior oak paneling finger-joint, unfiniashed, T & G on the length 20 up to 3000 80+10 96.17 86.24 68.39
Exterior oak paneling finger-joint, unfinished, T & G on the length 20 up to 3000 120 80.83 72.35 68.26
Exterior oak paneling finger-joint, unfinished 20 up to 3000 40 81.00 70.90  

All prices are VAT included ex-works 2228, Prolesha, Bulgaria

  • Select: Uniform color, knots and sapwood are not allowed, small “eyes” up to 5 mm are acceptable; by occasion 1 sound knots up to 15 mm is tolerated;
  • Nature: Isolated filled knots, no sap-wood;
  • Rustic: Sapwood is allowed up to 10% of the surface of the board; knots – filled and sanded;

The installation of the external paneling is performed over vacuum impregnated pine beams 60 x 40 mm.

The price for the pine beams 60 х 40 мм – 2,88 €/m. VAT included.

Installation /beams and paneling/ consumables included – 23.00 €/m2

The client takes care to provide scaffolding if necessary.

